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Customize the conversion

Both the EAC and EAD conversion can be customized by passing some parameters and overriding the “driver” xslt main.xslt.

Customize EAC/CPF conversion

Adjust general parameters

You can adjust runtime parameters in parameters/convert_eac.properties to adjust e.g. input or output folders.

Adjust XSLT parameters

The EAC to RiC-O conversion is driven by the XSLTs in the folder xslt_eac. A first step to adapt the conversion is to modify the XSLT parameters declared in main.xslt, such as the language code for generated literals, or the record author URI.

Adjust conversion logic

The complete conversion logic is in eac2rico.xslt. To further customize the EAC/CPF conversion logic, you can override the templates of this XSLT by redeclaring them in main.xslt with a different behavior. Templates you write inside main.xslt have precedence over the templates from eac2rico.xslt with the same match attribute, allowing you to adapt some behavior more easily; in addition, if you need to adjust something in the relations processing, you may need to adjust eac2rico-relations.xslt and eac2rico-keywords.xml.

When you adjust something in the XSLT conversion logic, add new unit tests under unit-tests/eac2rico, or adjust existing unit tests, and run the unit tests command to validate your modification and check nothing is broken.

ead2rico-arrange.xslt and ead2rico-deduplicate.xslt are used to group entities of the same type in the same file and are applied after the conversion itself. You should not have to modify these files, unless you need a different grouping of entities. You can always skip the grouping and deduplication by using the convert_eac_raw command.

Customize EAD conversion

Adjust general parameters

You can adjust runtime parameters in parameters/convert_ead.properties to adjust e.g. input or output folders.

Adjust XSLT parameters

The EAD to RiC-O conversion is driven by the XSLTs in the folder xslt_ead. A first step to adapt the conversion is to modify the XSLT parameters declared in main.xslt, such as the language code for generated literals, or the patterns to detect RecordSet or RecordParts in @otherlevel attributes.

Adjust conversion logic

The complete conversion logic is in ead2rico.xslt. To further customize the EAD conversion logic, you can override the templates of this XSLT by redeclaring them in main.xslt with a different behavior. Templates you write inside main.xslt have precedence over the templates from ead2rico.xslt with the same match attribute, allowing you to adapt some behavior more easily.

For example you can override the URI generation rules to refer to Agents:

<xsl:function name="ead2rico:URI-Agent">
	<xsl:param name="authfilenumber" />
	<xsl:param name="source" />
	<xsl:value-of select="concat('http://www.idref.fr/',$authfilenumber,'/id')" />

When you adjust something in the XSLT, add new unit tests under unit-tests/ead2rico, or adjust existing unit tests, and run the unit tests command to validate your modification and check nothing is broken.